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Take Five
Paul Desmond
Introduced on the Dave Brubeck album Time Out
5/4, usually played at a medium tempo.
A-B-A (24 Bars) [8-8-8]
The solo section often revolves solely around the Eb minor vamp, although it is not uncommon to solo over the entire song form instead.
Eb minor
The harmony of this composition is very functional. The iconic vamp which has become so well-known is made up of simply Ebmi - Bbmi7, and it is used for both of the A sections. The B section takes place in the relative Major and moves diatonically through Cbmaj7 - Bbmi7 - Abmi7 - GbMaj7. While 5/4 was not a common time-signature in jazz circles at the time this song was composed, the melodic nature of the melody along with the ingenuity of the rhythmic content helped this song to quickly be assimilated into the repertoire.
This song has been recorded over 315 times to date, and it was the first instrumental modern jazz single on the Billboard Hot 100 to sell one million copes. It was first recorded on the 1959 Dave Brubeck album Time Out, and he would also record and perform it on several occasions throughout his career. The song's massive commercial success seems to have turned off many jazz musicians from approaching the tune, however it does not fail to offer an exceptionally wide open canvas for improvisation.
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