Chord Charts
Lead Sheets for all instruments
available exclusively through
Alone Together
Arthur Schwartz
Howard Dietz
Introduced in the Broadway Musical Flying Colors.
Usually played swung, taken at a wide variety of tempos.
A-A-B-C (44 bars) [14-14-8-8]
A tag ending is often used to finish the performance.
Most commonly played in D minor.
The harmony of this composition is mostly functional. The A sections begin on Imi before moving to IVmi in the 7th bar. They then proceed with a II - V of V which deceptively leads to a II - V that resolves to the relative Major. The section then finishes with a II - V which unexpectedly resolves to the tonic Major. The A sections are also elongated by an additional 2 bars. The bridge is relatively straightforward, made up of II - V's that modulate to two different key centers. The C section begins similarly to A although it ends with a Imi - VImi7b5 - bVI7 - V7 turnaround.
This tune has been recorded over 530 times. It was first recorded by Leo Reisman and his Orchestra in 1932. Vocalists from Julie London to Tony Bennet and instrumentalists from Miles Davis to Oscar Peterson have recorded the piece. It is a very versatile tune that is well situated in a wide variety of settings and it continues to be one of the most popular standards in the repertoire.
JGC Top Picks:
Jim Hall/Ron Carter, Alone Together, 1972
Ed Bickert/Don Thompson, At the Garden Party, 1978
Jon Gordon, The Things You Are, 2006
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