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All Blues
Miles Davis
Debuted on the Miles Davis album Kind of Blue
6/8 waltz, often played at a comfortable medium tempo.
12 Bar Major Blues
It is common to insert 4 bar interludes before and after the head.
G Major
The harmony and form of this composition is nearly identical to that of a conventional 12 bar blues, although it has more of a modal quality due to the absence of typical passing chords that are often employed over the common song form. The turnaround however is not so conventional, beginning on V7alt before moving up a semi-tone and back down again.
This song has been recorded over 250 times to date and is one of the most widely known jazz standards in the repertoire. Miles Davis first recorded it on his 1959 album Kind of Blue and it would remain in his repertoire well throughout his career, performing and recording it on several occasions. It continues to be performed frequently to this day and remains an especially popular jam session number.
JGC Top Picks:
Miles Davis, At Plugged Nickel In Chicago, 1965
Kenny Drew Trio, At the Brewhouse 1992, 1992
The Dave Liebman Trio, Lieb Plays the Blues à la Trane, 2008
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